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“The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.” Bruce Lee’s wisdom perfectly captures my work ethic. Penn State offers countless opportunities to prepare for lifelong success, and I have spent my freshman year exploring as many of these opportunities as possible. While it is impossible to do everything, improving focus has enabled me to achieve more with the same 24 hours in a day.

I am triple majoring in Economics, Political Science, and Chinese, with a minor in Spanish. Next year I will be admitted to the Schreyer's Honors College and the Paterno Fellowship Program. In addition to academics, extracurriculars are a major part of my life. Since my first month at PSU, I have served as a member of the University Park Allocation Committee and participated actively in the Navigators. Later on, I formed connections with each of the major political clubs at Penn State, became the Programming Chair of the Liberal Arts Undergraduate Council, and just recently won an At-Large Representative seat to the 15th Assembly of the University Park Undergraduate Association.

This website highlights examples of my writing, both scholarly and creative. It also shows some of my involvements outside the classroom, including personal passions. Reading, running, and playing the saxophone are my favorite hobbies, not only because they help me to decompress, but because they lead me to grow in different ways. I hope that this website can offer you a window into who I am, what I do, and why I treasure every day. Lastly, I hope that you learn something new from my site; I certainly look forward to learning from you! You can reach me at

About Me: About Me
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